3 Miami Instructors Share Tips for Making the Most of Your At-Home Workouts


With the current situation we are all facing, our workout routine looks a whole lot different than it did a month ago. Thankfully there are a lot of options that allow us to continue our fitness grind. Here are recommendations from three Miami instructors to make the best of our home workouts.

Plan for the week and commit

Bea Quintero

Bea Quintero, instructor at JetSet Pilates in Brickell, recommends to “plan for the week, set intentions and commit”. If you are a morning person, like her, make sure you do your workouts as soon as you wake up to get your day started. Plan to take an IG Live or Zoom class.

"Challenge yourself to stay consistent, find your favorite studio or instructor and commit to take their class on a regular basis,” says Quintero.

Besides doing her favorite JetSet pilates, Quintero also likes to practice different workouts, like dance cardio or yoga.

“Listen to what your body needs - do you need a good sweat? Do you need a good stretch? Balance!”

Find your workout space

Juan Guzman

Juan Guzman, instructor at Antidote Fitness Lab mentions “it’s important to find a space that could be in your house or in your yard that you can designate as a workout space. A spot where you can escape from your kids, pets or responsibilities for 25-45 minutes.”  This will allow you to find the right mindset to challenge your body wholeheartedly, or disconnect and reset your mentality for the rest of the day. 

Stay present

Anny Noratto

Anny Noratto, yoga instructor, says “meditation is key in order to set goals, stay active and not letting our minds interfere or have stress take over our day. It’s important to stay present!”

Noratto recommends doing yoga because it can help our minds during these difficult times and any routine that helps you move will work.

Find a workout partner

“Find an accountability partner” recommends Guzman. Try doing FaceTime or webcam with someone so you can exercise at the same time and feel motivated.

Remember the post-workout feeling

Ithappens to all of us, sometimes we feel lazy and we just don’t want to workout. When this happens, Bea recommends to “remember how good you feel after your workout to keep youon track, this is my favorite feeling! Remind yourself that any movementis better than no movement!”

Patricia is a marketing passionate and fitness enthusiast. Her daily routine includes a variety of workouts, from yoga to bootcamp, and always looking for different activities and discovering cool and delicious new eats in Miami with her account @MODMiami.

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