Don't sacrifice nutrition for convenience. Here are 5 tips to snacking in between meals.
A nice snack consists of healthy a source of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Eating in this manner helps to keep you fuller for longer, especially in between meals so you are not starving at your next meal. Here are a few examples to try: apple + nut butter or trail mix (but try to get sulfite free dried fruit) the less additives the better!
Create a snack list to keep from getting bored week after week. Some people have adapted Sunday’s as their meal prep day but it can be whatever day works best for you. Any time that you have during the week to cook and organize your breakfasts, snacks and lunches for the work week. Lists work people, they are great! Write it down, put it in words and make it happen. The hectic work week it’s much easier once you don’t have to worry about buying breakfast, or lunch every day or worse, skipping the meal all together.
*Video: How to Make Your Sunday Meal Prep More Interesting*
Of hunger cues- meaning you do not always absolutely, positively need to have a snack. You also do not have to wait until your stomach is grumbling loudly for the whole office to hear either. Being mindful means that you stop and think a minute before you stuff that pastelito down your face after lunch. Ask yourself, am I satisfied? Am I overly stuffed? Did I not eat enough? Take a second to listen to how your body is responding after a meal. You do not have to eat 2 -3 hours after a meal if you are still feeling full. If that is the case, then think back to what you ate and make adjustments to that meal to help to not feel so uncomfortably full next time.
Choose a protein powder with the least amount of ingredients possible and no artificial sweeteners. Vegan or plant proteins are great options. Combine with unsweetened almond or cashew milk and a half of banana or favorite berry for an antioxidant boost.
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It is a snack my friends, not a lunch before your lunch. It is a misconception that if you snack you will gain weight. When in doubt think KISS- keep it simple stupid. Snacking excessively and inappropriately (choosing the wrong types or times) is where many go wrong. Everyone’s energy/calorie needs will vary, for most a nice snack can be around 100-140 calories. It is a snack; it should be simple. A quick few bites, not a Chipotle rice bowl before (or after) dinner.