The Doral Yard plans to includedella bowls, Paletas Morelia, Pokekai, Santo Dulce Churros, Un Pollo andYip as vendors for the new community gathering space opening in late 2019. Thelocal food entrepreneurs will bring dynamic new flavors to Doral.
Paletas Morelia- Handcrafted gourmet pops made with natural ingredients, in flavorslike banana filled with Nutella; mango; Sicilian pistachio and passion fruitfilled with condensed milk. Customize dip and toppings for each paleta.
Pokekai - Fast-casualcustomizable Hawaiian poké bowl concept, which also offers tacos, bao, pokewontons and a poke burger. Winners of People’s Choice Award at The Doral YardPitch Event
Santo DulceChurros - Made-to-order halos (churros) coated with inventive flavors and stackedover locally-made scoops of ice cream. Judges’ Winners at The Doral Yard PitchEvent.
"Once I envisioned what Santo Dulce was going to be, I only had one placein mind where I wanted the truck toflourish…and that was at The Yard,”said Santo Dulce co-founder Yule Núñez. “This is because our vision and productin my opinion, are completely aligned with The Yard’s vision and commitment tothe community and their support for local unique food concepts."
Un Pollo - AuthenticVenezuelan 'pollo en brasa' or rotisserie chicken. In Venezuela, having"Un Pollo" (making reference to eating rotisserie chicken) means afamily celebration for any occasion. The flavors and spices of a masterfullyprepared rotisserie chicken evoke beautiful memories of when you last gottogether with loved ones and shared this dish. Chef and co-founder LissethCampos hopes to create this experience for everyone in Miami.
Yip- Handcrafteddumplings made from scratch every morning. The dim sum shifu (master)hand-rolls in small batches to ensure every bite is amazing. Yip arrives in Doralvia the Gold Marquess family in Pembroke Pines.
These culinary entrepreneurswill join The Doral Yard CEO Della Heiman and her beloved della bowlsplant-based bowls fast-casual concept in Doral.
Some of the culinaryentrepreneurs will make their appearance during the Grand Opening of The DoralYard in late 2019, while others will open in a second phase of the project, inthe spring of 2020.
The Doral Yard has also justlaunched an ‘early adopters’ membership, known as La Familia, with both paidand free options. Ahead of The Doral Yard’s opening, members and the Doral communitywill be invited to pop-up events such as brewery dinners. Members will also getperks like a 10 percent off all drinks the first week The Doral Yard is openand a chance to win a Punchbowl Party. The free membership is limited to thefirst 200 people who sign up.
The Doral Yard is slated to openin Downtown Doral at 8455 NW 53rd St., Doral in late 2019.