The Sun is the center of our Astro life and the ruler of Leo. When the whole universe revolves around you, it's hard to keep the ego in check.
Like the Sun, Leo's heat everything in life up, as well as the drama (think Madonna, Kylie Jenner, and J-lo energy). And when the sun goes down, the Leo temper goes up. So those of you who have a Leo significant other or bestie know to try and keep them happy and shining like the sun or expect an explosion.
Leo is the sign of drama, and boy can they put on a show! A natural-bornleader, they love to be the boss.
Leos also need to overdose in love and attention, which may cause people to think you have a big ego, which you do, but the real truth is, you have an even bigger heart, and you’re one of the zodiac’s most generous signs. You’re always there to help, spoil, and protect the people you love.
Your energy may be hard for others to match and there is neverany boredom in your presence.
So what workouts are best during the dramatic and dazzlingseason of the Lion?
Leos are extremely competitive, they like to be the best at everything they do and they won’t stop until you acknowledge it. So, you could expect a Leo to thrive in a Flywheel room. Hello, lights camera, scoreboard! A workout where they can be left alone to their own thoughts, and still be seen and praised. Basically, a dream come true. See you in the front row, no alias names here.
Leos are full of fire, and when the fire season hits in Miami, a good cool down could be needed. Leo season is a perfect time to try a watersport, such as a SUP yoga class or a water biking studio. We’ve recently tried Element Aqua and fell in love with the low impact, high-intensity workout, that kept us high on endorphins but calm and cool on the inside.
Leos love a good performance, and they love to feel sexy. There is no Leo who would resist a Vixen Workout. Performance, sweat, and drama - sign me up!
If you have a Leo Sun, Rise or Moon you can expect this month to leave you feeling amazing as the sun illuminates all of your positive qualities. You are at your peak of the year. Its time to go after whatever it is you want before year-end.
For the rest of us, we will be soaking up the last of the summersun. Take a chance on an invitation to a workout you would normally turn down,allow yourself to let your hair down and step into the spotlight, this is thetime to let out your FIERCE!